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Understanding Band Saw Blade Lubricant

November 07, 2018

The performance of an industrial band saw is highly dependent on the maintenance of its blade. To make the most of this tool, it’s important to take care of it by using a band saw blade lubricant since lubrication is vital to extending the life of the machine.


If you’re looking to keep your band saw running at its best, ensure that you’re using a quality band saw blade lubricant from us at Industrial Bandsaw Services!


The lubrication system is necessary when you’re using a band saw on the job site. You want the job to be fast and precise, hence the need for an effective band saw blade lubricant.


When it comes to the proper maintenance of your band saw, using a band saw blade lubricant ensures that it performs at its best. When applying lubricant to your band saw, there are three areas that need to be lubricated.


To lubricate your industrial band saw properly, lubricant must be applied to both sides of the blades as well as the teeth. This is to reduce the cutting sound as much as possible as well as to produce cuts that are both precise and clean.


 At Industrial Bandsaw Services, we offer a selection of lubricants and coolants, including:


  • Semitech GS – This band saw blade lubricant is our semi-synthetic fluid that provides excellent rust protection and is ideal for machining stainless steel and most types of aluminum, as well as ferrous metals.
  • Semitech 650 – Low oil and neo-synthetic, this fluid is used for general purpose cutting and grinding applications that offers great rust protection and is ideal for most metalworking operations. Typically used on cast iron, steel, and other ferrous metals, the Semitech 650 is sure to serve your metalworking application.
  • Clean Lube V4000 – One of our high quality band saw coolants, this fluid can be used in both ferrous and non-ferrous metalworking jobs and is non-toxic, low odor and operator-friendly!
  • Clean Lube V2000 – The Clean Lube V2000 is also non-toxic, low odor, and operator-friendly, and is highly ideal for the machining and grinding of almost all materials, making it perfect for a number of applications.
  • Clean Lube 3000 – This spray mist, minimum quantity band saw blade lubricant can be used in all metalworking jobs, including broaching, sawing, and tapping, which are considered to be the more severe metalworking operations!